About Rinus
My journey has taken me from the ancient realm of Magna Frisia – now partly The Netherlands – to the forested wastes of Sweden. Here I found my love during a fated visit to the aged and tranquil landscapes of the north and we have been together ever since. We were blessed with our beautiful daughter recently who has been such a delight to our lives and which has changed it even more.
I have an appreciation for beauty and in particular for work that requires skill in the making and no manual for interpretation. To me paintings and certain music with this quality can reach peaks of awesomeness and luckily there are plenty of great examples out there. Such works I have always admired and looked up to and for as long as I can remember have tried to learn from them. Being self-taught, I have tried to stay close to what I love and despite experimenting with topics out of my comfort zone, always came back to these themes.
One of the major themes is the Tolkien legendarium which has such a profound part in my life. Another one is New Zealand, which since long ago has captured a special place in my heart. Both themes will show up frequently in my work as they have become a part of me.
In a world where so much is steered towards an anti-human direction, driven by racketeering interests and ruled by absolute scum, I am trying something new in the direction I would like to see. Beauty needs to be preserved and physical art enjoyed and this should be affordable to everyone. My aim is to be a part of this change with reproductions of the highest quality of my works done in traditional oil painting and maps created digitally, in the themes close to me and a lot of others. In my work no use is made of Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence as they have no part in creative human processes – processes we need to protect and nurture.
I sincerely hope that you enjoy what you find here. If there is anything you would like to ask me or discuss with me, please send me a message below.